Friday, September 24, 2010

« ωɦσ ιs τɦατ mαn!? »

"Why hey there, erry bawdy!" "Hey there, Doctor Nick!"

So, choir has been intense this week. Okay, not really, but you know. As intense as choir can be. I actually took notes on the happeninz on Monday, but then I left my notes at Nii's house. (;A;) So yeah, Hampton quote of the week, just because it's the one I wrote down:
"Princess posture, you guys. Ladies, proud knights."
Also, Hampton used a Richard Simmons voice, and I couldn't help but picture him in the icky sparkly spandex. Ishy!! Oh, and something else he said:
"[Always have your pencil ready because] You never know when these bits of wisdom will spew from my mouth."
This week's spotlight is on... -fanfare- KurTis! On monday, he started laughing, and I swear, it sounded like he swallowed a squeaky shark.

"Look! I'm Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy!"

Tuesday, I think it was, we had a visitor in Choir. All throughout backrubs, KurTis kept trying to touch Nickie Anderson, and Kane and I kept slapping his hand away. Hampton had just put attendance in, and was about to start announcements, when KurTis raises his hand.
Hampton looked up at him with a really weird expression on his face, like Oh, god, what does he want this time? "Yes, KurTis?"
"Mr. Hampton, Who is that man!?" In an incredibly squeaky voice to boot. It was amazing...

On to something else, apparently, I was used as an example in one of Felt's stories. Which I would say is HACKING AMAZING except the story was about a sociopath who stabbed him with a scissors. Not a good comparison.

I'm too tired to type more. I'll post tomorrow about work and the play and such. And a possible rant on Doctor Who.

<3 Pip


  1. Omgsh, amazing squeakyshark! =D That's srsly one o my favorite quotes from the whole movie.

    Umya, back on topic, Kurt's a creep. >> (And actually, Hampton makes that face at him all the time, haha) So like is his voice changing then?

    I remember that story from Felt! (I heard it three times.) But I assume he just compared her size to yours....or maybe you sit where she sat?

  2. My size. He asked the class before mine who the smallest kid in our grade was and Alex was like, "Ummm... Paige..?"
    But now Cody and Lukus don't trust me with scissors. Dx
