Sunday, September 26, 2010

« qʋαck~qʋαck! »

Okay, so this is day later than I said it would be. I'm sorry! Yesterday, I spent a majority of the day with Darius and his adorable new kitty, Delilah.

 Isn't she just a little cutie? She's so fluffy, I'm gonna die! Good thing his mom said he could keep her, other wise, my parents would have an adorable surprise when they got home from Ren Fest. >>

Anyway, what did I say I was gonna talk about? That kitty is just too distracting...

Oh, right!

So, this year, The fall play at MHS is M*A*S*H. Yup, like the show from way back when. Which sprung off the movie, which sprung off the book, just like our play did. So, the jist of the show is, Hawkeye and Trapper and Duke and the rest are in Korea, doo-dee-doo-dee-doo, and they don't like Ferret-face [honestly, who does?] so they get this korean kid to put a dead cat in his foot locker, and he gets shipped out on a Section Eight charge... Along comes Hot-Lips, and I don't remember if anything happens to her. Hawkeye's korean kid gets drafted to fight for the Koreans, and eventually shows up at M*A*S*H with injuries. Some stuff happens, and they decide to raise money to send the korean kid back to a Medical school in the states, because he wants to be a doctor.

It's a really fun show, and when performance comes around, I'll get a recording of it for you guys. Post it on youtube or something. <3

So, I love working at Subway. T'Shael didn't. She's back at McDonald's again. Pam said it would be a hectic job, but even when it's busy, it's still an awesome place to work. It's less stressful and less smelly than McDonald's. Well, it's more smelly, I guess, but it's good smelly. Baking cookies and baking bread... Mmmmm...
When I was working on friday, a little girl made my day. I was working in drive-view, and I was making change for a guy's order. I hear a little voice in the backseat say, "I like your pigtails!" I was just like OMGSQUEE!! Little kids give the best compliments, just because they're so stinking adorable.

Prep is fun, for the most part. Well, as fun as getting all messy with sauces can be. I think the grossest prep I had to do was when we were still serving Cuban Pulled Pork sandwiches. We had to piece apart the pork, and by the time it was finished, the gloves would be just covered with lard. It was nasty. But since we've stopped serving them, the grossest it gets is mixing teriyaki or buffalo chicken, which isn't too bad.

I love making sandwiches. I never got to do any of the food making [Except for parfaits and salads] at McDonalds. And I'm actually kinda glad. Because It's all nasty and greasy and gross. But at Subway, its the opposite. I think the greasiest it ever gets is when we toast the pizzas. But all pizza is greasy. But I love making sandwiches. Especially for the adorable little kids or the sweet old people. There's this guy who comes in almost every time I work. He's an older guy, and he always gets the same thing: Six inch ham on wheat, only mustard on it, a bag of fritos and a bottle of water. [Is it creepy that I know that? Oh well.] I think it's cute how older couples get the same sandwich and split it. "Do you want pickles on your half?" So cute. {I r creeper xD}
And the shy little kids are so cute. They peek around their mommas and point at the veggies they want, and then look so happy when I hand them their little kids meal baggies. >w<
My favorite is when one of my senior friends walk in. I've seen Chelsie and Dan quite a bit, and before school started, Bryce and Bryton came in a lot. But when Shane comes in, I pretty much drop everything and go hug him so he won't poke me. xD Now, if Eliz or Ai Tian or Gata ever walked in... -muhahaha!!!-

I'm sorry, though, I lied. No Doctor Who rant. I'm savin that for youtube. xD

Toodles~ <3

Friday, September 24, 2010

« ωɦσ ιs τɦατ mαn!? »

"Why hey there, erry bawdy!" "Hey there, Doctor Nick!"

So, choir has been intense this week. Okay, not really, but you know. As intense as choir can be. I actually took notes on the happeninz on Monday, but then I left my notes at Nii's house. (;A;) So yeah, Hampton quote of the week, just because it's the one I wrote down:
"Princess posture, you guys. Ladies, proud knights."
Also, Hampton used a Richard Simmons voice, and I couldn't help but picture him in the icky sparkly spandex. Ishy!! Oh, and something else he said:
"[Always have your pencil ready because] You never know when these bits of wisdom will spew from my mouth."
This week's spotlight is on... -fanfare- KurTis! On monday, he started laughing, and I swear, it sounded like he swallowed a squeaky shark.

"Look! I'm Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy!"

Tuesday, I think it was, we had a visitor in Choir. All throughout backrubs, KurTis kept trying to touch Nickie Anderson, and Kane and I kept slapping his hand away. Hampton had just put attendance in, and was about to start announcements, when KurTis raises his hand.
Hampton looked up at him with a really weird expression on his face, like Oh, god, what does he want this time? "Yes, KurTis?"
"Mr. Hampton, Who is that man!?" In an incredibly squeaky voice to boot. It was amazing...

On to something else, apparently, I was used as an example in one of Felt's stories. Which I would say is HACKING AMAZING except the story was about a sociopath who stabbed him with a scissors. Not a good comparison.

I'm too tired to type more. I'll post tomorrow about work and the play and such. And a possible rant on Doctor Who.

<3 Pip

Saturday, September 18, 2010

« ɛrrʮ bαωdʮ lʋrvɛs τɛɦ sαʋsαgɛ fαırʮ! »

Just for the record, the title has nothing to do with anything. You can thank Stanley for that one.

Oh, and by the way, I'm dropping the awesome font thingy, because of formatting errors. Which sucks. D=

The second week of school has now gone by for those of us still at MHS. Not a whole lot to report. Mornings are incredibly boring without our favorite senior friends around. Mostly, they’re spent wandering aimlessly, or sitting somewhere out of traffic. Really, I miss sitting by XL’s locker, blocking most of the hallway and Cheering whenever Mr. K walked by to the beat of XT’s K-Pop.

I have Algebra 2 with Schwankl this semester. His jokes are as lame as ever, but at least he teaches relatively well. Not a whole lot to report there. Which brings me to second hour and the

Mr. Hampton quote of the week:
“You know a movie star’s living room? Goes on and on with big cooshy chairs everywhere, and you wonder how the ceiling is supported. Has a view overlooking the pool, overlooking the cliff, which will fall into the ocean anyway cuz it’s in California. You can’t have a wide sound like that living room!”

He comes up with the greatest analogies, doesn’t he? I wish I had written down all the weird things he said while I was in varsity women’s choir. I do remember one thing: “Girls, you’re flat! Guys won’t like you if you’re flat!” Of course he meant our pitch, but half the girls in the choir reacted as if he were talking about our chests. Some people.

I’m pretty excited for choir this year. It’s my first year in concert choir, and it’s so weird for me, especially on back rub day, that there are guys in the choir. Though I’ll admit, they do give pretty good back rubs. I’m the last alto standing next to the baritones. We’ve got some pretty cool pieces, this quarter. We’re singing “Exulatate Justi,” which is a latin hymn, though I forget who wrote it. “Achieved is the Glorious Work,” a rather confusing Haydn piece, a VIDA song called “Famine Song,” A French piece called “Dirait-on,” and an accapella version of Coldplay’s “Fix You.” I’m also super duper excited because this summer, we’re going to LA for our choir trip. It’ll be sweet! But not nearly as sweet as New York was, because there’s more smog and less of my bestest friends from the Clot going. D=
I’ve decided that I’m not gonna ramble on about choir for two pages like I did in my letter to XL (which I’m sending as soon as I find those stamps, by the by.), so onto third hour. I have World History with Felt, and so far, it’s pretty cool. I dunno if he did the personality thing with class of 2010, but I’m a T, if you know what that means. So far, it’s an awesome class, and I love how he incorporates stories into the notes. We had a test on chapter one yesterday, and now we’re starting in on the egyptians. Whee.

After history I have study hall, and there’s not a whole lot to report there other than I’m supposed to help one of the exchange students from time to time. That and there’s a whole lot of goofing around with Randi and Nii.

Onto one of my favorite classes: Animal Science with XL’s daddy! He’s so cute, still calling her his “little girl” even when she’s flown the coop. [I’m sure he misses you tons more than I do, XL. <3] I felt kinda special, because mine was the only name he knew the first day of class, which was probably because I’m friends with XL. Everyone else’s name took a bit longer to stick in his head. I love all the stuffed animals he has in his room. They have all been named, courtesy of Nii, Jacob, Randi, and I. Jacob and I sit up front, tucked kind of in a corner. Hung up on the walls of the corner are Freddy, a squirrel, and Gerald and Bradford, his duck friends. In the opposite corner are Bertrand and Bernice, snowy owls, and on XLD’s desk is Clarice, who is a hawk of some sort. On the other walls are Cabeza, the decapitated dear head, Jean Paul, the pheasant, and Maxwell, a Canadian goose. I suppose that’s a little weird, giving dead critters names and all, but they need to feel loved too, right? Right. Moving along.

So, they reinstated B lunch this year, and that’s what period our class eats. Jacob and I sit with Preston and Chii, and you know how weird those two are. We have really weird conversations. If you ever see Chii online, ask him about Mr. Cow. I’d tell you, but it’s kinda involved and I’d probably mess it up. And being the only girl at a table with those two... I’m sure you can imagine how difficult it is to eat on Hot Dog or Cheddarwurst Day.

After lunch, we go back to class, as is the nature of B Lunch, and usually, XLD gets cut off in the middle of saying something about the notes [which this week was the anatomy of critters.] So he tries to pick up where he left off. I like how he gives notes though. He’s more conversational and laid back than other teachers I’ve had. I like it.

Animal Science is followed by Spanish 3, which is pretty fun. We’ve been reviewing a lot of the stuff we learned last year, and are doing a lot more talking than note taking. Which I prefer anyway. Senora is another of my favorite teachers. In fact, all of my teachers are pretty awesome this year. Me gusta mucho.
Last hour I have ASC with Goddard, which is pretty boring. Short stories that I normally just go TL;DR to. Which probably isn’t all to good for my grade, but I do well on the quizzes anyway. So yeah.

Anyway, teh eeveel T’Shael is kicking me off the computer, so I’ll blog again next Saturday. Unless something OMGSOTOTALLY EXCITING comes up.

<3 Pip

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

« gωαα... [¬ºQº]¬ »

σhαι. sσ σncε υρσn α τιmε, ι sταrτεd τhιs blσg jυsτ τσ kεερ αι τιαn αnd xιασ lιng ρσsτεd σn τεh hαρρεnιngs hεrε ατ hσmε. ενεnτυαlly, ι'll hανε sσmετhιng ιnτεrεsτιng ρσsτεd, bυτ fσr τhε ρrεsεnτ, bεdτιmε fσr ριρρεrs. fεεl frεε τσ yεll ατ mε αbσυτ τhιs υsεlεss ρσsτ αs yσυ sεε fιτ.

gσσd nιghτ, αll.
