Thursday, June 9, 2011

« ginger »

Yep, it's happened.

I'm ginger.


I made a video about it on my YouTube Channel.

[ ⠁^  ⠈]

If I were British, I could be the Doctor's next companion.

If I were British and had freckles I could be a Weasley.


Why can neither of these be true?
[ > ⌂ < ]


[ ⠁ɜ ⠈]

Geez, I'm a nerd.
Carry on.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

« pewf. »

Hi, I'm not dead!

I'm not gonna try filling you in on all the uneventful stuff that's happened recently.

T-Kid has graduated, and is off to BHSU in Spearfish this fall.

School ended for us Monte farts today, and got out at 12:40.

So I had a hair appointment at 2:30.
It's really short. I got it short so I could look a tich more like my Gaia Avatar...

Yeah, that woulda worked better if I hadn't blow dried it upside-down.
[Though I must admit, I have awesome poof levels. Beat that, John Green.]

It looks decent not poof too, but I was too lazy to attack it with a hair brush and take another picture.

But I'm dying it red tomorrow, so I'll have a picture up then too.

I'm a derp...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

why i love bewg

Bewg is the cat's pajamas.  Her gaia name, Cool Beaans, is quite appropriate. She left this comment on my profile:

pip whats the difference between a $#!+ and a pewp?

I wonder if fish understand things.......

fishy:"well you see the reason we can't fly is because
evolution didn't give us rocket fins"

other fishy:"damn... will we ever have them?"

fishy:"maybe tomorrow"
She says things like this all the time. I loves.